Saturday, October 6, 2007

Dr. Who-Sound of Drums

Dr. who is still ongoing. They had the first part of a real cliff hanger this past week. Dr. Who discovered that he is not alone. It’s kind of a take off from Star Wars. He found out that there is another timelord who calls himself the master. He’s kind of in sane, and a little paranoid. The Master manages to get a hold of the Tardis and by having that power source he was able to open up a riff in time and bring these strange beings to earth. There was six billion of them. One for every woman, man, and child on earth. What the Master told the beings to do was kill one tenth of the earth’s population, which they did.

The master disabled Dr. Who by using a biotransducer which aged Dr. Who by one hundred years. When he did this, Dr. Who was helpless to stop him so the way things are left, the master is in control and Dr. Who is one hundred years old. Things look pretty bad for earth because the timelord does not really care about the people, he just want to control them. But we will see how all of this works out.

I’m kind of anxious to see what’s going to happen. After all I’m a cat and I have nothing else to do except watch TV, eat and sleep.

Until next week, bye.


Sonya Rose said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my poetry blog. I would love to read your poetry sometime...

Have a great weekend!

Boneheadtv said...

Thanks Sonya

I really enjoyed reading your poetry.

If you get the time and would like to check out my poetry, the website is and look under brbrooks for my poetry